Hi there, I am Derek Gates.

Picture of Me from ~2016

I am devoted to user experience. I am fluent in desktop and web technologies. I pride myself with designing systems that work together beautifully.

I am a front-end developer focusing on Angular and AngularJS. To power the front-end, I have learned webpack, babel and Typescript. I have been assisting co-workers with devops help by speeding up builds, documenting and helping formulate guidelines.

Previously, I worked at a Pensacola, FL company called ActiGraph which made FDA certified activity monitors. I was a full stack developer that developed front-end software and websites, interfaced with hardware devices, a back-end server architect and DevOps for the rest of our products. I was a member of hardware and software teams and worked hard to communicate ideas.


Are you interested in a hard working, diversely skilled developer on your team? View My Full Resume (pdf)

I want to hear from you: der4405sek34rufhaa@de000rekgatootes.us
